
  • Julia Chris Saif Nascimento



Teaching-learning, reading, folklore, myths.


Reading is an exercise for the mind, it opens doors to new knowledge, improves understanding of everything around you and helps develop critical thinking skills. Difficulty with reading is a common problem and since it is an important skill, difficulties can cause problems in other areas of learning, including writing, spelling, fluency and comprehension, issues that greatly hinder students' good performance in school. To answer these questions, the following general objective was defined: To verify whether the application of folklore legends contributed to improving the reading of elementary school students. And the following specific objectives: To examine whether the didactic use of folklore legends can help teachers improve their students' reading and writing; To verify how to apply themes related to folklore legends in Portuguese Language classes; To analyze whether the application of folklore legends contributed to the improvement of reading and writing skills in the Portuguese Language discipline of students. Through this analysis, it was possible to identify that with the use of folklore legends as support tools in improving reading skills, it is possible to develop students' written and oral comprehension and expression in the classroom. The illustration of such tools easily awakens interaction between teachers and students and promotes the conception of a spirit of connection in the group.


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Author Biography

Julia Chris Saif Nascimento



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How to Cite

Chris Saif Nascimento, J. (2024). USE OF FOLKLORE LEGENDS AS AUXILIARY TOOLS IN IMPROVING READING IN THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE SUBJECT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(7), e575438.