


Open fixing. Surgery. Orthopedics.


Tibial fracture is one of the most common bone injuries. Historically, open internal fixation has been the standard of care for tibial fractures, offering stability and allowing early mobilization. In recent years, percutaneous treatment has emerged as an effective alternative to conventional internal and external fixation techniques. Objectives: Review current approaches to percutaneous treatment of tibial fractures, discuss their advantages and disadvantages in comparison with traditional methods. Materials and methods: This is an integrative review of the literature, including research in the electronic database PubMed. To search for articles, the descriptors “tibial fractures”, “surgery” and “percutaneous treatment” were used. The delimitation of the research timeframe began in the year 2019 until 2024. Nine articles were found to compose the review. Results and discussion: Percutaneous surgery is not about the size of the incisions; the focus is to spare the metaphysis and its vascularization to ensure high-quality and long-lasting stability. It appears to produce better functional results than open reduction and internal fixation, not only for Schatzker type I, II, and III fractures, but also for complex fractures where open fixation is more harmful and the source of complications. Conclusion: Percutaneous surgical technique has a significant curative effect in the treatment of tibial fracture and can significantly improve the surgical rate, reduce postoperative complications, and have an obvious effect on the postoperative recovery of ankle function, knee joint function and quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Sanches de Carvalho

Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano.

Lucas da Cruz Alarcon Lima

Centro Universitário Claretiano.

Maria Eduarda Ribeiro Mudesto

Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano.

Pedro Nakano Pereira

Médico pela Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano.

Carollayne Mendonça Rocha

Universidade José do Rosário Vellano - UNIFENAS.


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How to Cite

Sanches de Carvalho, M., da Cruz Alarcon Lima, L., Ribeiro Mudesto, M. E., Nakano Pereira, P., & Mendonça Rocha, C. (2024). COMPARISON BETWEEN PERCUTANEOUS TREATMENT AND TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES IN TIBIA FRACTURES . RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(7), e575536.