


new client or the trustworthiness of it depends on two variables


The conquest of a new client or the trustworthiness of it depends on two variables, the first, which is extremely important is the quality of the service provided, and second, the way in which the service performed is disclosed, the marketing, which must be done through of advertisements or advertisements. And to apply marketing in Physiotherapy, the Physiotherapist needs to organize and plan a business marketing proposal for the area of ​​Physiotherapy, the manager must know his consumer market very well. Given this context, this study was developed with the purpose of demonstrating to the beds the great influence of marketing in the area of ​​Physiotherapy, highlighting the strategies and work tools that are widely used in Physiotherapy clinics in the city of Nova Venécia. The methodology started from bibliographic reviews, manuals, scientific articles, and criteria and guidelines established by the Regional Physiotherapy Council, with regard to the Code of Ethics, and the source of information will also come from a bibliographic review. In addition, it prepared a questionnaire that was applied to three clinics in Nova Venécia addressing the marketing strategies and tools applied in each one, as well as evaluating which are the most effective and the least effective. At the end of the study, the great importance of marketing within Physiotherapy was evident and very clear to the reader, as it was possible to identify its benefits, its particularities, the types of strategies and the existing legislation about its applicability in the field of Physiotherapy.


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Author Biography

Letícia Vicente Lopes

Centro Universitário de Caratinga UNEC


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How to Cite

Vicente Lopes, L., Patrícia , P. ., da Silva Santos, A. G., & Santos Alves , J. (2021). MARKETING STRATEGIES APPLIED IN PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINICS IN NOVA VENÉCIA-ES: A FIELD STUDY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(9), e29684.