
  • Herbert Dittmar Polícia Federal



Archimedes Operation. Land frauds. Corruption. Amazon Forest. Illegal logging.


Operation Archimedes, launched by the Federal Police in the Amazon, whose purpose is to hinder the marketing of Brazilian native timber from fraudulent forest management plans, with the help of the corrupt forest engineers and environmental inspectors from the environmental management agency, has shown that criminal organizations settle in environmental agencies in order to legalize forest holdings based on fraudulent documentation and inspections. Most of the wood produced in this way comes from federal areas. Part of the wood is sold domestically and part is exported to dozens of countries, maintaining a scheme of laundering money and goods. Telephone interceptions made public by the Public Prosecutor’s Office show the reality of Amazon forests exploitation unknown to wood consumers. A qualitative and quantitative approach demonstrated that land fraud and frauds in the state control systems are significantly contribute to the gradual destruction of the Amazon Forest, with the consent of the Brazilian State and the innocence of consumers in imagining that the documentation of origin guarantees the idoneous origin of the wood.


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Author Biography

Herbert Dittmar, Polícia Federal

Polícia Federal


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How to Cite

Dittmar, H. (2021). ARCHIMEDES OPERATION AND THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON FOREST WITH THE STATE CONSENT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(10), e210817.