


Uberization, Education, Precariousness


This article is based on Dialectical Historical Materialism, which through this new form of employment for the teaching class, the Uberization of Teachers, clearly explains the expropriation of teachers' labour rights. The teacher's conditions were emphasized in the form of the exercise of the function through the platforms. It was possible to analyse that the professional bears all the risks of a contract of this nature, there is no payment for extra activities such as: correction of tests, work, planning, guidance to students and even pedagogical meetings. Thus, when the school needs a teacher of a certain subject, it is enough to access the application and request a professional for the day and time scheduled, there are no labour rights, if by chance, a professional suffers an accident on the way to the requesting school, he/she is the only one responsible for the medical costs, after all, the school already makes this type of hiring so that there are no values above those agreed with the platforms. With the bibliographical and observational support, we can reach the objectives proposed in this study, which are: the creation of quality public policies and the recognition of the teacher by the rulers.


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Author Biography

José Ruiz Watzeck

Neuropsychopedagogue, Journalist, Geographer, Teacher, Mathematician, Writer and Author, Specialist in Environmental Management, Licensing and Auditing, Postgraduate in Geoprocessing, Georeferencing, Specialist in Higher Education Teaching, and Researcher.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Watzeck, J. (2021). THE UBERIZATION OF TEACHING - THE EXPROPRIATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE TEACHER. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(11), e211919.