
  • Antonio Marcos Feliciano
  • Thiago Souza Araujo
  • Gabriel de Melo Vieira
  • Arthur de Oliveira da Silva



Business Process Management, Knowledge Management, Public services.


This work aimed to analyze how the activity of the Process Management Centers (NUPROCs) in the State of Santa Catarina contributes to Knowledge Management (KM) by making explicit organizational processes during the mapping of business processes. The work points to significant improvements in labor dynamics based on the mapping of the organizations' business processes. It also indicates that knowledge management tends to consolidate itself as a contributory element in the development of work in the public institutions surveyed. In addition to these, the work points out that new technologies are already part of the routine of the public institutions surveyed and that their wide application should be expanded and deepened in the numerous activities carried out in these organizations. Methodologically, the study is classified as exploratory, qualitative-quantitative with the use of a questionnaire.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Marcos Feliciano

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fapesc).


Thiago Souza Araujo

PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management. RD&I project supervisor FAPESC - SEPLAN. Technician at SEPLAN/SC.

Gabriel de Melo Vieira

Bolsista de PD&I FAPESC-Secretaria de Estado da Administração de SC atuando na Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina.

Arthur de Oliveira da Silva

Bolsista de PD&I FAPESC - Secretaria de Estado da Administração de SC atuando na Secretaria de Estado da Administração Prisional e Socioeducativa.


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How to Cite

Feliciano, A. M., Araujo , T. S., Vieira, G. de M., & Silva, A. de O. da. (2023). CONTRIBUTIONS OF BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT TO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS IN SANTA CATARINA. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(7), e473542.