
  • Onildo Ribeiro de Assis II



RFID, Logistics Information Systems, MULTICASES


Global competition highlights the need for greater agility, efficiency and security in the flow of information, between manufacturers and distributors, throughout the supply chain. The company's adoption of an external information system for logistics can bring financial benefits, such as cost reduction and productivity gains, as well as easier relationships with customers and suppliers. In view of the above, the objective of this article is to describe the current process of adopting the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) information system in companies in the supermarket sector. The study was carried out in retail companies in the following companies: GPA, Carrefour and Walmart Stores. The justification for choosing the three companies is due to the fact that they are among the 250 largest retailers in the world, according to the ranking presented by the Brazilian Supermarket Association (2022). The research methodology used consists of an exploratory multi-case study, with a qualitative approach. Among the results obtained are that despite RFID being characterized as extremely innovative, companies are still in pilot testing phases and, therefore, are still in the initial phase of providing the potential of this technology. Specifically in Brazil, the main obstacle to leveraging the system is the high cost of tags, but there is enormous confidence that the knowledge acquired so far will serve as a basis for the growth and perpetuation of RFID.


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Author Biography

Onildo Ribeiro de Assis II

Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro de Assis II, O. (2023). THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RFID AS A COMPONENT OF LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEMS: STUDY OF MULTICASES IN HYPERMARKETS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(10), e4104105.