


economic value. Throughout its cycle it is attacked


Soybean is the main crop cultivated in Brazil due to its high economic value. Throughout its cycle it is attacked by a large amount of diseases, among them is asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), the main disease causing large productivity losses in cultivated areas, ranging between 10% and 90%. Aiming to demonstrate the results obtained by monitoring Asian rust with spore collector, from the identification of the first spore to the appearance of the first symptoms, throughout the soybean cycle in the Midwest and Northwest regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The project covered different regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, including the Northwest, Midwest and West Frontier, and evaluations were carried out in the municipality of Jaguari, RS, where the laboratory of the company Granja Jaguari Consultoria e Gestão is located. The conduct ive of the project was carried out through the technical consulting provided by the company, initially in the company's client properties and later extended to other properties of the municipalities of the state. Thus, each property received the installation of a spore collector, and the collectors were installed before sowing, considering the cultivar cycle and sowing date. A total of 13 properties were registered in the Asia Rust Monitoring Service (SIMFA) project, in the regions that the company has customers. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the monitoring of Asian rust through spore collectors is an excellent tool for disease control and cost savings in property.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Fleck da Rosa

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.

Priscila Erbice Olin

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.


Alana Minuzzi Piazer

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.


Henrique Frasson Nadalon

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.


Bruno da Rosa da Silva

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.


Gustavo Wappler de Farias

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.


Gustavo Buzatta Bolzan

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.

Vinicius da Silva Goulart

Granja Jaguari - Consultoria, Gestão e Pesquisa.



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How to Cite

Fleck da Rosa, G., Erbice Olin, P., Minuzzi Piazer, A., Frasson Nadalon, H., da Rosa da Silva, B., Wappler de Farias, G., … Silva Goulart, V. da. (2023). MONITORING OF THE INOCULUM FOR ASIAN RUST CONTROL IN THE STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL DURING THE HARVEST 2021/2022. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422738.