


scientific article addresses the importance of partner adherence


This scientific article addresses the importance of partner adherence to prenatal care for monitoring and gestational development. The introduction highlights that although prenatal care has historically focused primarily on pregnant women, recent studies demonstrate that the active participation of the partner in prenatal care plays a significant role in the pregnancy cycle. Partner adherence is associated with better maternal outcomes, such as lower incidence of postpartum depression, greater adherence to medical recommendations, strengthening of bonds, and better care for the mother's mental and physical health. In addition, the presence of the partner reduces stress and anxiety levels, benefiting fetal development. Partner participation also strengthens family ties and is related to a better parent-child relationship and better long-term health outcomes for children. However, there are challenges, such as lack of time and social stigma, that must be overcome to promote partner adherence. The conclusion reinforces the importance of a family-centered approach during prenatal care, which actively involves partners, providing clear information, creating a welcoming environment, and implementing educational programs. By recognizing and valuing the role of the partner in prenatal care, it is possible to improve the quality of prenatal care, strengthen family ties, and contribute to a healthy and successful pregnancy.



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Author Biographies

Daniela Diniz Simões de Medeiros Carvalho

Enfermeira pela Faculdade Integração do Sertão. Pós-graduada em saúde púbica e da família pela Faculdade EAG. Pós-graduada em ginecologia e obstetrícia pela EAG. Acadêmica de Medicina pela FMO.


Jose Italo Alencar

Acadêmico de enfermagem pela Faculdade FAMA, Serra Talhada-PE.

Érica Naiara Fonseca Barros de sá

Graduada em Enfermagem pela Faculdade Integração do Sertão - FIS. Pós-graduada em Saúde Pública, Urgência e Emergência pela Faculdade Alpha.  Pós-graduada em obstetrícia pela Faculdade EAGE.

Clarissa Novaes Valgueiro Barros

Graduada em Enfermagem pela UPE. Especialista em Urgência e Emergência.

Erycle Guilherme da Silva

Acadêmico de Medicina - FMO.


Mariana Leandro Silva

Acadêmica de Medicina pela FMO.

Myleide Teodoro Lisboa

Acadêmica de Medicina pela FMO.

Kris de Morais Padilha Bezerra Veras

Acadêmica de Medicina - FMO.


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How to Cite

Diniz Simões de Medeiros Carvalho, D., Alencar, J. I., Fonseca Barros de sá, Érica N., Novaes Valgueiro Barros, C., da Silva, E. G., Leandro Silva, M., … de Morais Padilha Bezerra Veras, K. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PARTNER’S INVOLVEMENT IN PRENATAL CARE FOR MONITORING AND DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRESS DURING PREGNANCY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e493951.