


Military Police, Human Rights, Excellence, Education.


The present work addresses the military police as a constitutional body responsible for the role of ostensive police and preservation of public order. It is the main arm of the State in terms of preventive and immediately repressive security, being an institution that works directly to serve the population, when citizens have their rights and/or guarantees violated. However, this same police, for a series of reasons, ends up violating Human Rights and depriving citizens of their dignity and respect. This work is imbued with trying to understand what are the main causes of these violations and propose education as a possibility to avoid such attitudes and aim for a military police that is closer to the citizen and that develops a work of excellence and is the forerunner in the defense of Human Rights, working directly for a more responsible and citizen society.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Zago de Oliveira

Polícia Militar do Paraná - PMPR.

Adilson José da Silva

Officer of the Military Police of Paraná, Bachelor in Public Security, 2015, Institution: Military Police of Paraná. Degree in Philosophy Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná 2005. Postgraduate in Philosophy and Human Rights, Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná 2016. Post-Graduate in Educational Neuropsychology, Bagozzi Institution, 2018, Post-Graduate in People Management, 2022, Unina Institution, Post-Graduate in Management and Contemporary Public Security Scenarios, 2022, Uniasselvi Institution. Address: Rua Carlos de Laet, 6335, Boqueirão, Curitiba


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How to Cite

Zago de Oliveira, G., & José da Silva, A. (2023). THE MAIN CAUSES OF HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS BY MILITARY POLICE OFFICERS AND EDUCATION AS A WAY TO COMBAT THESE BEHAVIORS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114261.