bodycam, body cameras, implementation, Military Police.Abstract
This article aims to demonstrate that the dissemination of studies, pilot projects and the consequent application of technological innovations such as bodycams (body cameras) can consolidate changes in preventive ostensible policing activities developed by the Military Police.The implementation of such a tool can contribute to the transparency of police actions, increasing the level of trust on the part of the population and, in addition, providing assistance in the control and supervision of actions, in police training, in the production of evidence and in the reduction of unfounded complaints. In this work, the following will be addressed: the legal basis that enables the use of equipment in comparison with personality rights such as private life and intimacy; recent higher court decisions affecting the use of cameras in the development of police actions; recommendations for the implementation of the use of bodycams based on a study by the Police Executive Research Forum - PERF; and, finally, consequences will be scored that the Corporations that choose to carry out programs for the use of body cameras will be able to enjoy.
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