


Beverigde, Health system, Spain, Public health


The Health Systems that currently exist are closely related to the types of social protection. In Health, social-democratic or institutional redistributive social protection, based on citizenship and inspired by the search for the application of social justice, resulted in national health systems, of a universal nature and financed with taxes. The Spanish Health System has undergone numerous changes in recent decades (especially in recent years). Currently, inspired by the Beveridge Model of supplying the Health of its population, it presents, until today, numerous challenges that need to be faced and, after that, present changes, to provide a dignified Public Health In this way, knowing the History, the context behind of its formation and maintenance are of its importance to trace improvements not merely political, but, above all, that aim at a quality service to its users. The protection of citizens' health is a fundamental right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution, and it is the duty of the public authorities to guarantee such benefits. The National Health System in Spain is made up of all public structures and services at the service of health at all levels of government – state, regional and local. With many changes in its structure, in recent years, Health has finally returned to being universal – but, in practice, this is not easily perceived in the Autonomous Communities.


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Author Biographies

  • Mario Angelo Cenedesi Júnior

    Médico por el Centro Universitário Barão de Mauá, Ribeirão Preto-Brasil, MBA en Gestión en Salud por la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP), doctorando en Salud Pública por la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES), Buenos Aires-Argentina.

  • Silvia Elena Vouillat

    Psicóloga por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Doctora en Salud Pública por la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociaes (UCES), Buenos Aires-Argentina.


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How to Cite

THE SPANISH HEALTH SYSTEM: HISTORY, CONTEXTS AND CHALLENGES. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(2), e321119.