


Private international contract, Comparative law, Damage mitigation


This article aims to discuss private international contracts, emphasizing damage mitigation in the US and Brazilian legal system. Therefore, it addresses some aspects inherent to private contracts in US law, elucidating the criteria of reasonableness, substitute contracting, expenses with mitigation, early breach of contract and burden of proof; and exposes some aspects inherent to private contracts in Brazilian law, clarifying the loss of profits, causality, concurrent fault and objective good faith. Aiming to fulfill the objective of this research, a bibliographical research was carried out in doctrines and in the current legislation, these sources of research that guided the elucidation of the proposed theme, allowing to conclude that the process of legal approximation promotes the dialogue between normative systems in a joint effort for the development of contract law in a convergent way. As a result of this process, the evolution of contract law today observes a cyclical movement in which different systems interact with each other and, in this context, the principle of damage mitigation is developed.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriela Maia de Souza

    Lawyer enrolled in OAB and at the International Bar Association (IBA). Specialist in Public, International, Tax, Digital, Criminal and Criminal Procedure, Maritime, Medical and Hospital Law. LLM in Contract Law and With Executive MBAs in the Areas of; International Business and Foreign Trade, Controllership and Finance, Executive Project Management, Oil and Gas, People and Human Resources Management, Marketing and Social Networks and Competitive Management and Business Intelligence (BI). Pedagogue Specialized in; Psychopedagogy, Neuroscience and Communication in a corporate environment and Institutional, Clinical and Hospital Neuro Psychopedagogy.


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How to Cite

PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTS BRAZIL VERSUS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(3), e331139.