Neonatal ICU; Parents; Nursing.Abstract
The main objective of the study is to identify how the nurse can contribute to the interaction with the nursing team with the family in the ICU-NEONATAL. The study arose from the academic observation of the group in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where we made technical visits. We observed the role of neonatologists in this service. Our motivation was to describe the process of communication between nurses and parents of newborns during the period of hospitalization in neonatal intensive care units. The Evidence of a poorly humanized relationship between nurses and their parents. We observed that nurses almost always show themselves distant from their parents, failing to understand their needs and expectations regarding the hospitalization of their child in an Intensive Care Unit. Nurses, members of the Neonatal ICU team should be the link between parents and their children. The commitment to help parents overcome the difficulties encountered and encourage them in this approach so that the process of development of humanization begins. It is necessary in this context to realize how important the availability to listen to the other is, because only in this way did humanization happen effectively. The methodology is an integrative review aimed at how the nurse can bring in the interaction with the nursing team with the family in the Neonatal ICU. We conclude that nurses and the nursing team that works in NICU need to systematize their care based on the inclusion of families in the Neonatal intensive care unit.
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