


Disposable mask, Covid-19, Environment pollution


Face protection masks have become mandatory for the general population, at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the lack of awareness of the damage that comes from incorrect disposal leads to environmental damage. It was proposed as an objective of this study to contribute to the effects of disposable masks in terms of environmental pollution, encouraging their correct disposal. The narrative review method stands out and is accommodated as a study of a qualitative nature and had the observation at the place of the events and a search was also carried out in the information base of MEDLINE, SciELO and Google Scholar and it was not left out the official recommendations, mostly from the World Health Organization. The collection of information was based on a questionnaire. The results of this research are considered satisfactory because they respond to the objectives outlined for the present study. It was concluded that it is necessary to continue with actions to raise awareness of the population in matters of environmental education so that people understand what environmental problem that need solutions so that the environmental future is not harmed and have an awareness of the environmental impacts. Also continue to fight the spread of the disease and at least reduce the use of disposable masks by opting for recyclable material such as homemade masks that can be reused. It is recommended that masks be disposed of correctly and that more research be carried out to educate and sensitize populations on solid waste management.


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Author Biographies

  • Abede Cade Falume

    Universidade Internacional Iberoamericana

  • Miguel Y. Ramírez Sánchez

    Dr. Miguel Y. Ramírez Sánchez

    Profesor Investigador - Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana




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How to Cite

INCORRECT DISPOSAL OF MASKS IN TIME OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(3), e331236.