


Validation, Reliability, Scale, Student, Model


The objective of the study is to validate and test the reliability of the scale of content of life circumstances and motivational aspects of the student (CVAME). For this, we use techniques of exploratory factorial analysis (AFE) and confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA). The results obtained from the model represented by Figure 3. Measurement model were considered adequate, because together, the value of 0.782 of composite reliability ("CR") and the value of 0.555 of the mean variance ("AVE") indicate acceptable values of reliability and convergent validity for the measurement model. These values show the quality of the structural model of the instrument. Given the presented results, this instrument seems very useful and allows us to affirm that it is sensitive, valid and reliable for the evaluation of the academic support received by the students, content or changes in the circumstances of the student's life during the training process, the motivational aspects of the learning experiences.


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Author Biographies

  • Oberdan Santos da Costa

    Doutor em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Fernando Pessoa em Porto-Portugal. Mestrado em GESTÃO DE EMPRESAS pela Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (2014-2015) Em Lisboa-Portugal. MBA Executivo em Gestão Empresarial pelas Faculdades de Ciências Gerenciais da Bahia (2011-2013). Especialização em Formação de Consultores Organizacionais - FCO pelo ISAN-FGV (2007), Especialização em gestão empresarial pelo ISAN-FGV (2003).

  • Dr.

    Full Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University. He has published 66 articles in specialized magazines and 170 papers in event proceedings, has 57 book chapters and 17 books published. Participated in 65 events abroad and 53 in Portugal. He directed 8 doctoral theses and co-oriented 2, guided 21 master's dissertations and co-oriented 2. He works in the areas of Engineering and Technology with emphasis in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science and Exact Sciences with emphasis in Computer Science and Information Sciences

  • Luis Simões da Cunha

    Graduado em Psicologia e em Ciência da Computação. PhD em Sistemas de Informação. Apaixonado por ensinar. Instituto Superior Miguel Torga


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