article has as its theme the teaching ofAbstract
This article has as its theme the teaching of the English language through Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) based on the principle of learning with mobility and playfulness. This study is the result of qualitative and bibliographic research with the application of practice through a didactic sequence, in which a set of activities and strategies planned to achieve the objective of potentialize the teaching of the English language through the use of enhance the teaching of the English language through the use of new digital media. Thus, this article is justified by the primordial need to promote greater engagement and motivation, and meaningful learning. The methodology used showed that the teacher's role became that of facilitator and assistant, because the students did not wait for the teacher to bring the ready content. In addition, it was it found how important it is to use differentiated methodological approaches in order to promote transformation in the students' learning process. Finally, it is stated that the production and application of the digital game using Kahoot and the production of flash cards in the GoConqr learning environment, as well as the use of QR code, optimized learning and placed the student as an author in the construction of the knowledge of the English language.
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