work was developed at the Gilberto Mestrinho StateAbstract
This research work was developed at the Gilberto Mestrinho State School in the East zone of the city of Manaus-AM/Brazil, in 2021, with the objective of encouraging the habit of reading in students of the 3rd grade of this school. Through a field research and the application of a questionnaire aimed at students and educators, with a qualitative-quantitative focus that served as the basis for verifying the level of interest in reading by the students of that school and understanding the process of origin of the problem of their lack of motivation with reading. But this research cannot be carried out in all the scope that a work of this magnitude calls for, because in 2019 a great pandemic spread throughout the world being called Covid – 19 (Sars-coV-2). What was concluded with this study is that to help students develop a taste for reading and thus move towards the much needed changes in the students' academic career, both the school and the family must establish collaborative and partnership relationships, in which the family can act as a potentiating of the work done while the student is in school.
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