Walk Test, COPD, COVID-19Abstract
Walk tests have been widely used as a tool for evaluation, follow-up and prognosis in patients with cardiopulmonary diseases. Objective: To verify the application of walk tests in the cardiopulmonary evaluation of post-COVID-19 patients. Method: systematic review conducted according to PRISMA recommendations. The bases used: PubMed, Cochrane, PEDro, Lilacs and SciELO, in the months of August to November 2021, Mesh words were used for PubMed and Cochrane bases, with descriptors and Boolean operators: [(COVID-19 OR Virus Disease, COVID-19 OR COVID-19 Virus Infection OR SARS-CoV Infection) AND (Walk Test OR 6-min Walk Test OR 6-minute Walk Test OR Six minute Walk Test OR Endurance Shuttle Walk Test)], suitable for the other bases. Selection and eligibility criteria were conducted by two reviewers. Results: Initially 241 studies were identified, with four studies considered eligible. The total sample consisted of 222 individuals, who were discharged from hospital after SARS-CoV-2 infection and underwent the six-minute walk test (6MWT), 147 males and 75 females, aged 18 to 90 years, with and without previous lung disease. All studies recorded the 6MWT distance, heart rate measurement, and blood pressure. The other information was absent in the description of the studies. Conclusion: The 6MWT was the test recommended in the evaluation of post-COVID-19 patients, however, the description of the collection procedures were considered inconsistent.
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