



Agricultural Gypsum. Biopore. Soil Conservation.


Our aim was to evaluate the pore morphology of an Oxisol subjected to coffee multi-practice management system with different doses of gypsum by analysis of 2 and 3 D. The design was in randomized blocks with three treatments: G0-absence of gypsum; G7 and G28, with 7 and 28 Mg ha–1 of additional gypsum, respectively, applied to the soil surface in the planting row, in three layers: 0.20-0.34 m; 0.80-0.94m and 1.50-1.64m. Undesturbed soil samples were collected in acrylic tubes in the planting row, in three replications. Image analyzes obtained via X-ray computed tomography and micromorphology in thin sections were used. Data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. The typical Oxisol microstructure remained granular, consistent with the predominance of gibbsite in the clay fraction. In the micromorphology, there was a large amount of packing-type pores (70%) and cavities (10%) and a change in the weft, from porphyric to enaulic, according to the increase in gypsum. In the X-ray tomographic images, greater morphological diversification of the pores was detected, especially in G28, with a predominance of platy pores (Triaxial, 12%), channels or biopore (Prolate,12%) and packing/stacking voids (64%), as well as accounting for them a greater number (n>30,000) and categories of pores were obtained due to the greater detail of the technique, such as biopores (G28>G7=G0) and platy pores (G28>G7=G0). The techniques complement each other, the micromorphology allowed to evaluate the structural organization with quality and the X-ray tomography quantified more pores due to the higher spatial resolution and the algorithms.


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Author Biographies

  • Carla Eloize Carducci

    Eng. Agrônoma, Dsc. Ciência do Solo, Professora Adjunta UFGD

  • Leandro Campos Pinto

    Eng. Agrícola, Dr. em Recursos Hídricos, Professor Visitante na Universidade Federal de Lavras.

  • Samara Martins Barbosa

    Eng. Agrônoma, Dra. Ciência do Solo, Professora Visitante UFLA

  • Joyce Cristina Costa

    Eng Agrônoma, Mestre em Cafeicultura, Pesquisadora responsável pelo Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária Piumhi- CPAP

  • Yuri Lopes Zinn

    Eng.florestal, PhD Soil Science, Professor Adjunto UFLA

  • Richard John Heck

    Agronomist, PhD. Soil Science, Professor in University of Guelph, ON, CA



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How to Cite

MICROMOPHOLOGY AND X-RAY CTSCAN: GIBBSITIC OXISOL POROSITY UNDER COFFEE MULTI-PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(6), e361520. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i6.1520