Existentialism, Care, Comprehensive Health, Psychology, Logotherapy; Values; Self-regulation.Abstract
Human existence presupposes the experience of different areas, different from each other, but which are intertwined in the constitution of a single being. Biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects are part of this human constitution and have unique importance for the life of each person. In view of a society where segmental health models predominate, which limit the approach of care to biopsychic aspects, by which the concept of health corresponds to the simple absence of disease, this article proposes a theoretical approach to integralized care, based on contributions of logotherapy and self-regulation of values. Initially, the study sought to bring conceptual aspects linked to the notion of care. As a result of this bibliographical research, it is pointed out that the theoretical bases of logotherapy tend to contribute in a singular way to the dimensioning of the conception of comprehensive health care and that the self-regulatory process, involving ethical values, shows an important practical potential for the use of care models, based on Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. The outcome of the article suggests, however, in order to avoid conceptual confusions and the mistaken use of concepts, further deepening the theoretical study of max scheler's existentialism and Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy.
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