
  • Simone Regina de Silva



Appreciation, Support, Democratic management, Leadership, Teacher motivation


The teaching career brings with it a numerous complexity of challenges that have gradually instigated reflections and became the object of study for several researchers in the educational sphere. Among the difficulties faced by education professionals, devaluation in its broadest meaning stands out. The Education Guidelines and Bases Law, as well as the National Education Plan, include, in their formulation, guidelines specifically aimed at implementing improvements in this area. Such goals include initiatives aimed at school management, to promote ways of valuing teachers. In the wake of such resolutions, the study consisted of an analysis that proposed to investigate the perception of the teaching community regarding the actions employed by the management of their respective institutions, to promote the realization of such precepts. To this end, a survey was carried out comprising representatives of the teaching staff of basic education schools, in the public and private sectors of different cities in the State of São Paulo. The research revealed that, despite legal efforts to promote teacher valuation, the current school management model is not yet fully implemented under a democratic, support and advisory perspective with the support of the LDB and the PNE. Thus, the final analysis shows that school management, especially in Kindergarten and Elementary Education institutions, needs transforming actions that ensure better working conditions and professional well-being for teachers.


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Author Biography

  • Simone Regina de Silva

    American Planet


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How to Cite

INTERVENTION OF SCHOOL MANAGEMENT TO PROMOTE TEACHER WELL-BEING. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e361668.