
  • Paulo Roberto Grasiano Moreti



estudio de valoración de la marca personal


e aim of this article is to present the case study of valuation of the personal brand of the entrepreneur Ricardo Bellino, through the valuation process elaborated by an office specialized in the valuation of intangible assets. The process took into account items such as: reputation, business values, brand registration, digital presence, brand equity, ability to generate business and attract investors, among others. Thus, it was possible to calculate an estimated value of R$ 78 million, an amount that can be legally paid to the company's own balance sheet. This result shows that it is imperative that professionals take the process of managing their personal brands (personal granding) in the management of their careers, in order to enhance professional success, achievement of goals and results.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Roberto Grasiano Moreti

    Flórida Christian University


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How to Cite

VALUATION OF PERSONAL BRAND: CASE STUDY OF BUSINESSMAN RICARDO BELLINO. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(7), e371719.