platforms in education are important because theyAbstract
Adaptive platforms in education are important because they are technological resources that facilitate interactive, personalized and individualized learning based on the learning needs of each student, increasing the absorption of content anytime and anywhere. This article aims to present what adaptive platforms are and how they can help to follow the trajectories of students' knowledge, helping institutions, students and teachers by providing differentiated actions in the way of teaching and facilitating students' learning. Moreover, it seeks to know the path taken and the difficulties encountered, allowing adaptation to the students' individual needs. This is a bibliographical study that used the Google Scholar portal as a data collection source. The research suggests understanding and recognizing the advantages that adaptive platforms offer, as well as the positive effects they cause in the students' academic life. It is concluded that adaptive platforms bring benefits to professors and students, as they impact the students' commitment and help increase skills such as autonomy, time self-management, and the certainty that they are part of the learning process. To teachers, by having more autonomy in performing their activities, such as reducing the response time of the proposed activities, and improving the quality of their class planning, this is possible due to the data acquired through the platform, which adapts itself as the student uses it, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of learning.
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