Evaluation of learning. Historical process. Theories and methodology.Abstract
This article reflects on the evaluation of the teaching-learning process in formal education. In this direction, it presents the historical events that have marked its trajectory, its theoretical process and the methodologies developed in different moments of education. It also discusses school performance, curriculum development, and its evolutions. Then, it briefly reflects on the theories that accompanied the whole teaching-learning process - educators and institutions -, as well as the teaching methodologies developed during the daily school evaluations. It was used as a basis for reading the works of theorists such as Saul (1999), Luckesi (1994), Hoffmann (1993), among others, as well as the studies of thematic seminars developed in the classroom. Thus, with the study of the prepositions and results of the bibliographic research - from a clear and objective language -, it was considered that the understanding exposed here is of relevance to the process of professionalization of the teaching profession, by enabling a greater understanding, contributing to academic training.
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LUCKESI, Cipriano Carlos. Filosofia da educação - São Paulo: Cortez, 1994.
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