eyes work together from 6 pairs of extrinsic musclesAbstract
The eyes work together from 6 pairs of extrinsic muscles, the objective of this research is to expose the types of paralysis that can affect the abducens nerve, either in its nucleus or in the path it travels through the skull to the eyeball where innervates the lateral rectus muscle. The optometrist must improve his look for neurological alterations. From reviews carried out in books and articles in Scielo and PubMed, on changes in ocular motility with possible changes in the face, hearing, taste and hemiplegia, these situations can affect patients, since they are changes caused by systemic diseases such as diabetes that in According to the WHO, Brazil has 15.7 million people with the disease, ranking 6th in the world. The etiologies of the VI cranial nerve paresis and palsy, syndromes and injuries to the VI cranial nerve, main symptoms such as convergent strabismus or esotropia, accompanied by torticollis and diplopia. The treatments consist of; pharmacological treatment with botulinum toxin to reduce the contracture of the MR which becomes hypertonic, and on the surgical procedure with the Carlsos & Jampolsky transposition. Syndromes that can be acquired in an acquired form, such as in lesions caused by tumors, vascular diseases and infections, and congenitally, such as Moebius and Duane syndrome, recent studies have presented a picture of sixth nerve palsy and alteration in the rectus muscle. side by COVID-19 and post immunization for the virus.
KEYWORDS: Paralysis; Abducens Nerve; squint; optometry.
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