


Amblyopia, Binocular vision, Visual cortex, Diagnosis, Treatment


Amblyopia, a sensory disorder visual problem, affects binocular vision, results from a sensorineural adaptation, appears during the period of visual development, in early childhood, and is manifested with unilateral or bilateral low visual acuity, without improvement after refractive examination. It may or may not be associated with strabismus. It affects preschool and school children and accompanies them into adulthood if left untreated. Demonstrating the importance of early diagnosis of amblyopia is of great relevance to the social and economic development of each individual. Concepts of binocular vision, aspects of the tripod of binocularity, understanding of the different types of amblyopia, its diagnosis and its traditional and innovative treatments, describing the social and economic challenges of an amblyopic are addressed. Through review of books, articles, dissertations with the aim of developing primary care in health and education professionals, for the understanding of risk factors for the development of amblyopia.


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Author Biographies

  • Tony Anderson do Nascimento Felix

    Graduação Optometria (RATIO) Especializando Saude da Visão (FAELO)

  • Jeferson Rodrigo Penha

    Graduando Optica e Optometria (UBC) Bacharel Administração (UNIJALLES) MBA em Gestão e Consultoria (UNIJALLES) Especializando em Saúde da Visão (FAELO)

  • Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda

    Especialista em Docência Superior (UNIBF), Terapia Oftálmica (FACUMINAS), Estudos de Oftalmologia (UNIBF), Perícia Judicial (FBMG), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (FSG) Graduado Óptica e Optometria (UBC). Especializando Neuroapredizagem (FSG) Prof. Coordenador OWP Educação - WEducar Santos e São Paulo. Docente Pós Graduação FAELO/PE. 7° Membro da Academia Brasileira da Visão.



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How to Cite

THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS FOR THE TREATMENT OF AMBLYOPIA. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(11), e3112110.