Internet, Whatsapp, Education, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
This article addresses the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC), specifically the use of the internet in the WhatsApp application, inserted in the context of information and communication technologies. The article focuses on analyzing how these technologies, specifically the WhatsApp application, are influencing linguistic, daily, informative, educational communication, etc. To this end, a systematic review of the literature (2000-2016) on the subject was carried out, analyzing the productions available in some databases on the subject in the educational context. For this purpose, we analyzed 13 works available online (SciELO, Google Scholar, National Digital Library, JSTOR, Portal de Periódicos Capes and Public Domain) in which empirical and/or theoretical studies were found on the use of the internet in the WhatsApp application in educational context. The results show a greater amount of bibliographic works, roughly, they show how the internet linked to WhatsApp can be used in the school space. The methodology discusses the systematic literature review, indicating the procedures for the writing of this article. This was followed by establishing the relationship between the data found and education. Therefore, the influence of TDIC in the school and its implications for those involved in the school context were discussed. It is hoped that the present work can significantly contribute to the field of study of educational technologies in the school and academic context.
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