
  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan




Formal education. Pedagogical Theories. Renovation. Evolution.


Formal education has its beginnings since the 19th century, crossed the 20th century with several educational transformations by great pedagogy theorists, who are studied until today, in the 21st century. The concern with student autonomy from early childhood, emotional maturation in early childhood education - as Montessori emphasizes; between games in a playful way, with learning and the constructionist methodology, by Papert, a disciple of Piaget, so that students can appropriate cognitive knowledge, which, with didactic-pedagogical projects, enrich education. Therefore, in contact with nature, as Freinet teaches us and respecting the chronological age of each student as Waldorf defends, and Vygotsky assures us that the zone of proximal development is real in the teaching-learning process, where the ethical posture of the teacher -mediator, inclusion of people with disabilities and accessibility in schools. In the current contemporaneity of the 21st century, the renewal of school education, now through computerization. Continuing education in technological learning is necessary for the teacher not to be outdated in relation to students, complementing the Pedagogical Political Projects of schools, which with the digital age, the school-family connection happens via WhatsApp. This work demonstrates the true heritage that the teacher has from his predecessors, because, in addition to theories, it is the duty to always continue on the path of the teaching-learning process: its renewal, evolution and continuity.



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Author Biography

  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan

    Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana - FUNIBER


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How to Cite

WHAT DO THE MAIN THEORISTS SAY THAT GROUND THE PRACTICE OF EARLY CHILD EDUCATION?. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(11), e3102194. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i11.2194