Cognition, Anxiety, Covid 19, Teenagers, Social distancingAbstract
COVID-19 led to social distancing causing school closures and adolescents had to adapt to new safety standards, using networks as a means of communicating and acquiring knowledge Objective: to analyze the relationship between cognitive activity levels, sleep quality and anxiety symptoms of high school technical students of the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: descriptive and correlational study, based on the answers of the sociodemografico questionnaire, MoCA test, STAI, Fletcher/Lucket questionnaire and creativity workshops of Occupational Therapy. Result: Forty-seven students, aged 17 to 21 years, from the second and third year of administration participated in the study, and 36.17% had COVID-19 and/or 70.22% of their family members also had it. Regarding the applied tests, they demonstrated a moderate negative correlation between the STAI-T and the F&L Score (r= - 0.318 p = < 0.001), a strong negative correlation between IDATE_E and F&L score (r = -0.0316 p = <0,001), had cognitive lag for executive activities and memory, and significant sleep alteration. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop more research in these areas, mainly linked to Occupational Therapy, which deepens the knowledge related to adolescent life, sleep, cognition and anxiety, which interfere in occupational performance.
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