study built here presents how its main plan is to evaluate how an importantAbstract
The study built here presents how its main plan is to evaluate how an important management tool can contribute, showing the efficiency in learning outcomes through a school management that seeks to be democratic and how it influences the day-to-day of a school unit. To this end, there will be talk here about the contribution of the Swot tool in School Management, revealing how it works and how it can benefit in this very important area. Referring to the methodology used for the construction of this brief study, we mention the choice for bibliographic research, through which it became possible to collect material that will contribute to the future theoretical approach that will be made, in view of thoughts and conjectures of famous scholars such as Lima (2013), Nóvoa (2002) and others. Through this analysis about the material collected and studied during the implementation of the research, it was concluded that it was clear the incoherence experienced between the school reality, what the school wants, what the school does, and the day-to-day school management, which needs to make decisions that will certainly end up impacting, positively or negatively, both in the development and training of their learners. Therefore, the importance of working with a tool such as Swot is concluded, especially when talking about the work faced by school management.
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