


nipple trauma is the breakdown of the epithelial tissue that covers


The nipple trauma is the breakdown of the epithelial tissue that covers the nipple and usually arises in the early days of breastfeeding. To cause pain of varying intensities, the fissure can cause early weaning. This study aimed to understand the influence of nipple trauma, in the perception of nursing mothers on breastfeeding. For this, a qualitative research was carried out with 12 nursing mothers who had nipple fissures and were exclusively breastfeeding. Data collection took place through interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire and the sample size was determined by the saturation criterion. The data were analyzed, interpreted and discussed using Bardin's Content Analysis technique, which allowed the division of results into three categories. In the first category, women attributed the act of breastfeeding presenting cracked nipples as something that brought pain, fear and cry, caused by inexperience and by breastfeeding does not meet your expectations culminating with the desire to introduce other foods in children's diets. According to the second category, the maintenance of breastfeeding was due to these women prioritize the care of the child rather than the pain itself, recognize the importance of breast milk and its nutritional value and contain sufficient milk to meet the demands of the newborn. The third category deals with the support of the Human Milk Bank to continue breastfeeding. It is necessary that health professionals can not only biological but consider breastfeeding as a social thing where the role is of lactating.


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Author Biographies

  • Joice Luiza Alves Cândido

    Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE

  • Livia Maria Lima Barbosa

    Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes


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How to Cite

BREASTFEEDING IN WOMEN WITH NIPPLE TRAUMA. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122296.