Nursing Students, Pandemic, Covid-19, Social isolation, HealthAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic brought important impacts that changed the mental health of higher education students, because due to the impossibility of continuing face-to-face classes, specifically nursing students suffered due to the high workload of practices in the laboratory and in health institutions. In addition, with the increasing outbreak in the number of cases of the disease, there was a need for help in hospitals, many academics in the last years of graduation worked on the front line of the fight against Covid-19. The pandemic caused thousands of deaths, in addition, it brought an increase in the number of mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Thus, this study aims to identify, through national and international literature, the impacts generated by the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of nursing students. This is an integrative literature review, data collection was performed by searching for scientific articles published in the last three years, in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS-BIREME) and Scientific Electronic Library OnLine (SciELO). Six studies on the subject were found, which address the performance and impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health of nursing students. It is important to point out that the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have intensified in the lives of professionals and students in the health area, therefore, strategies are needed to cope in a healthy way with common mental disorders that are intensified or resulting from the critical period of the pandemic.
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