Insulin, Self-application, Risk managementAbstract
Objective: to analyze the challenges of insulin therapy in health education, pharmaceutical assistance and home care. Method: This was an integrative review, whose purpose is to gather and synthesize research results on a delimited theme or issue, in a systematic and orderly manner, contributing to the deepening of knowledge of the investigated theme. With the following guiding question: “How are people with diabetes being oriented regarding the use of insulin in their homes?”. Review carried out from thirteen scientific articles chosen according to criteria and published between 2017 and 2022. Results: The studies analyzed, in addition to the drug application technique, the process of transporting and storing insulin and the management of sharps waste at home. Conclusion: the results showed that the reality of self-administration of insulin in adults with Diabetes Mellitus at home can be modified based on health education by the pharmacist, also contributing to the planning of strategic actions to reduce such challenges.
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