
  • Felipe Furquim de Camargo
  • Elizangela Cristina de Lima PMPR



Military Police, 12 minute run, Physical Fitness Test, Physical Conditioning


The objective of this study was to demonstrate the importance of changing the indexes of the 12-minute running test established by Ordinance of the Command-General 076/2016. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional study, involving bibliographic research for the development of a review literature and field research to analyze the performance results of the military in the state of Paraná, considered fit in the Physical Aptitude Tests, more specifically the 12-minute running test carried out between the period from August 2019 to August 2022. The results of the research carried out in this study indicated that, although 100% of the analyzed soldiers were able to pass the physical fitness test applied by the Commission for Inspection for the Promotion of enlisted personnel and officers, 49.23% had unsatisfactory rates in the 12-minute run, from according to the parameters established by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). It should be noted that, as established by the ACSM, 25.04% of the military police had results defined as “very precarious” and 24.18% as “precarious”. Thus, it appears that the indices established in the 12 min. by Ordinance 076/2016 CG/PMPR, prior to the change instituted by Ordinance of the General Command 384, of May 3, 2022, for men and women, were below the internationally established minimum. It was concluded that the change in Ordinance of the Command-General 076/2016, increasing the requirement in the 12-minute running indexes, proves to be correct and adequate for the analysis of the health condition and physical fitness of the Corporation's staff.


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Author Biographies

  • Felipe Furquim de Camargo

    Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Cruzeiro do Sul. 1 º Ten. QOPM da Polícia Militar do estado do Paraná.

  • Elizangela Cristina de Lima, PMPR

    Capitão da Polícia Militar do estado do Paraná


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How to Cite

THE IMPORTANCE OF CHANGING THE INDICES OF THE 12-MINUTE RACE TEST OF THE GENERAL COMMAND ORDINANCE No. 076-2016 PMPR. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(12), e3122425.