high number of breast aesthetic surgeriesAbstract
The high number of breast aesthetic surgeries in Brazil in recent years is noteworthy, and considering the importance of exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by the Ministry of Health, the majority of women seeking surgery are young women who think about having a family in the future , but even by influence of the esthetic standards imposed by society, they perform the procedure, but at the time of surgery, a future breastfeeding is not taken into consideration and after experiencing this phase is that they are concerned about the possible effects on the milk to be produced , making orientation at this time extremely important. Therefore, this study proposed to verify through the integrative review, if the mammary surgeries influence the early weaning. The search for articles included in the review was done through the database: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). We selected 19 articles in which they were described in the form of a table. The results were discussed in three subtopics: breastfeeding and its benefits, factors that make breastfeeding difficult and aesthetic mammary surgeries that make breastfeeding difficult. It was concluded that breast reduction surgery was the most cited as a significant influencer in early weaning, there were contradictions regarding the influence of breast augmentation, and finally the contradiction of the studies may become one of the main influencers in the negative or positive orientation for early weaning.
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