work considers some challenges that mark the teaching of HistoryAbstract
The present work considers some challenges that mark the teaching of History in Brazil, but taking into account, above all, the particular challenge of teaching the subject in a dialogical perspective. Teaching in a dialogical perspective requires from the teacher a greater dedication and expansion of his or her training. This expansion occurs not only through continued education in the same area of education, but also by seeking epistemological contributions in other areas related to their specific field of education. The basic assumption to defend this dialogicity is based, above all, on two facts that are widely verifiable and have already been verified by great thinkers such as Humberto Eco, Edgar Morin and others: 1. knowledge itself, today, is dialogic, so that it is not even possible to operate in a rigidly restricted way in one area of knowledge without dialoguing with others and, 2. reality itself, in post-modernity, is complex and the result of a confluence of knowledge and competencies, which makes it equally complex. Understanding this complex reality, therefore, presupposes complex knowledge. History teaching, therefore, taking these factors into account, may be more contextualized and connected to the reality, in which the students participate. This enables a deeper reflection of the historical-social conditions that are determinants over the subject, but which the subject can contribute to change for the better.
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