applying teachers to introduce Educational TechnologiesAbstract
The present work aims to show the ways of applying teachers to introduce Educational Technologies, indicating as is the day-to-day of a teacher in the classroom, aiming at the problems, difficulties and lack that the student and teacher go through. Seeking with teacher and student new teaching methods, showing and developing activities with meaning, enjoy the creativity of the student, along with him try to insert a free teaching, without traditional classes. Having as main influence the Technology in the School Environment. When the teacher manages to arouse the student's curiosity, both are able to rebuild and discover a freer teaching, without fear of making mistakes, having a coexistence without prejudice, so that knowledge is not only momentary, but can last throughout life. And education cannot stay out of this reality, but rather, it should use this tool in the teaching process learning making the classes become more interesting and closer to the reality experienced by the children of this time.
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