
  • Thaiane dos Santos Silva Tavares Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Damiane Bonfante Caro de Assis Universidade Federal Fluminense



satisfaction, basic health unit (UBS), users/citizens.


This article evaluates the quality of care provided to users of the public service of Basic Health Units (UBSs) which currently have become one of the essential factors for user's /citizen's satisfaction or dissatisfaction, allied with the patient's rights and duties written on the Federal Constitution. With the purpose to elaborate a study on the level of satisfaction of the public health care service in the (UBSs) present in the public network of the Municipality of Paraíba do Sul for its citizens. The methodology used in this research was bibliographic and quantitative, carried out through data from a questionnaire with semi-structured questions, which are optional and confidential, applied to users of the public service. With the interviewed being citizens of both sexes, aged between 18 and over 58 years old, with different levels of education. However, with the results of the available questionnaire, it is clear that the population of Paraíba do Sul is satisfied with the services offered by the UBSs in the city, since the studies revealed that the users maintain a bond with it, having the perception of a reception by the professionals and health prevention. Thus, at the end of the study, whichever the organizational segment is, public or private, the service is a crucial point, as it can result in a good or bad image of the place. With this, it can be observed that one of the reasons for the involvement of all servers is looking for better solutions to benefit the users.


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Author Biographies

  • Thaiane dos Santos Silva Tavares, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Universidade Federal Fluminense.

  • Damiane Bonfante Caro de Assis, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    This article evaluates the quality of care provided to users of the public service of Basic Health Units (UBSs) which currently have become one of the essential factors for user's /citizen's satisfaction or dissatisfaction, allied with the patient's rights and duties written on the Federal Constitution. With the purpose to elaborate a study on the level of satisfaction of the public health care service in the (UBSs) present in the public network of the Municipality of Paraíba do Sul for its citizens. The methodology used in this research was bibliographic and quantitative, carried out through data from a questionnaire with semi-structured questions, which are optional and confidential, applied to users of the public service. With the interviewed being citizens of both sexes, aged between 18 and over 58 years old, with different levels of education. However, with the results of the available questionnaire, it is clear that the population of Paraíba do Sul is satisfied with the services offered by the UBSs in the city, since the studies revealed that the users maintain a bond with it, having the perception of a reception by the professionals and health prevention. Thus, at the end of the study, whichever the organizational segment is, public or private, the service is a crucial point, as it can result in a good or bad image of the place. With this, it can be observed that one of the reasons for the involvement of all servers is looking for better solutions to benefit the users.


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How to Cite

THE LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH CARE AT BASIC HEALTH UNITS IN THE CITY OF PARAÍBA DO SUL/RJ. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e422789.