study aimed to analyze the prevalence of vulvovaginitis (VVG)Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of vulvovaginitis (VVG) by Candida among academics from the 1st to 6th year of medical school at a private University Center in the interior of Paraná. Cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive study, focusing on data collection by applying a questionnaire by the Google Forms platform® in medical students from 1st to 6th grade at a private university in western Paraná. The survey answered 81 academics distributed throughout the years of the course. The majority were between 21 and 25 years old. Of the interviewees, 27% said they had never had VVG by Cândida, the other 73% responded positively. When the situation experienced by the student during the appearance of candidiasis was questioned, 29.3% of the reported causes was the correlation between problems in college and the appearance of VVG, followed by no correlation with 23.9%. The majority (53%) said they used oral contraceptives. The participants reported the presence of 12 symptoms, among them, the most frequent pruritus (22%). In addition, on ways to prevent VVG, 47 (59%) interviewees answered to know about preventive methods and 34 (41%) reported not knowing. In this context, the present study suggests that VVG is a prevalent condition in the academic environment, that this environment can be a triggering factor and that educational measures should be implemented in order to prevent this condition. In addition, it is up to all health professionals to contribute to the dissemination of information about the lifestyle and ways of preventing this pathology.
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