Active Methodologies. Gamification. Virtual Learning Environments.Abstract
Nowadays, it is practically impossible to think about education, whether basic or higher, without the insertion of Digital Information and Communication Technologies - TDIC and also in the learning process in an active way. In this sense, this article aims to demonstrate, from the perspective of teachers, an experience of continuing education at a distance using a Virtual Learning Environment - VLE with some gamification resources. For that, an exploratory, descriptive and bibliographic research was carried out addressing active methodologies and more specifically gamification, in addition to emphasizing gamification in VLE. Finally, the gamification elements that were applied in the training course are presented and the opinion of some of the participating teachers was also collected via an electronic form on a Likert scale, evaluating the gamification elements, the planning and execution of the course. In this way, it was possible to understand that, under the teachers' eyes, the gamified training course had its organization (structure, materials, activities, layout, colors, handouts, videos, animations) being evaluated by the majority as fully and partially satisfied and another factor The highlight was on motivation/engagement in distance learning with a gamified approach in VLE, reaching 90% according to the participants.
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