


Literacy, Reading, childlike, Theoretical.


The problem that motivated this study arose when it was realized that the teachers of the school that was the focus of the research do not have, as their main concern, the focus on reading and writing in the classroom, which leaves teaching with deficiencies, perhaps due to accommodations or because they have little domain. Based on this, this work has the general objective: To analyze the teachers of the initial series as well as the resources that support them. And as specific objectives: To describe relevant points that involve the formation of the teacher of the initial series and to develop reading and writing in a reflexive conception for the students of the initial series using a theoretical discussion on the subject. Taking this into account, we conclude that reading and writing are everywhere, children begin to get in touch with the literate world very early, given that most of the objects around them become inexhaustible sources of incentive aimed at literacy. Concluding this consideration, we can say that it is expected that the notes recorded here will make it possible to highlight embryos for the qualification of teachers who work with the initial grades and who form readers and writers, allowing to point out reflections for possible redirections. We understand that reading this text, as well as others, will complement, providing elements to resize thoughts. Creating new ideas, how to rethink, if necessary, the educational activities of teachers.


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Author Biographies

  • Eny Araújo de Paula Teófilo

    Universidad De La Integración De Las Américas.

  • Leonardo Barroso de Melo

    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA.


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How to Cite

READ AND WRITE IN STYLE: TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL II. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(3), e432850.