



Language, Learning, Culture.


Getting to learn a new foreign language, now a second foreign language being offered in New High School in Brazil, comes from the first methods, from behaviorist theory and Skinner's method of classical conditioning, to Chomsky's concept. Currently, the CLIL learning proposal is to add some of the languages, in addition to using the same area of ​​the brain, it is valuable as knowledge, and relies on the mother tongue to learn a new language, because part of their empirical knowledge and what the student knows, to only then add linguistic knowledge, to give them the opportunity to know the cultural contexts of an additional second language is highly enriching. In this context, no educational space should hide itself from its responsibility as a promoter of language, both in the educational field and in the social field, and this happens in cities that have large communities of ethnic German origin in Northern Santa Catarina, seeking to raise together with all the school context students' learning and preparing them for a social life outside of school, offering an education that meets individual needs and their particularities.


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Author Biographies

  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan

    FUNIBER - Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana.

  • Daniella Fernandes

    Getting to learn a new foreign language, now a second foreign language being offered in New High School in Brazil, comes from the first methods, from behaviorist theory and Skinner's method of classical conditioning, to Chomsky's concept. Currently, the CLIL learning proposal is to add some of the languages, in addition to using the same area of ​​the brain, it is valuable as knowledge, and relies on the mother tongue to learn a new language, because part of their empirical knowledge and what the student knows, to only then add linguistic knowledge, to give them the opportunity to know the cultural contexts of an additional second language is highly enriching. In this context, no educational space should hide itself from its responsibility as a promoter of language, both in the educational field and in the social field, and this happens in cities that have large communities of ethnic German origin in Northern Santa Catarina, seeking to raise together with all the school context students' learning and preparing them for a social life outside of school, offering an education that meets individual needs and their particularities.


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How to Cite

LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL OF SOUTH BRAZIL: HOW DOES LEARNING HAPPEN?. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(3), e432889. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i3.2889