


affectivity, psychomotor triad, morphological triad, psychoanalytic triad, teacher education.


The choice of the theme psychomotricity: Wallonian alternation in the integral formation of the student is based on bibliographic references in the Wallonian principle that prioritizes the affective dimension over the cognitive and motor dimensions. This research is inserted in the qualitative methodology and cuts the theme deficiency in fine motricity and takes use of the advances of neuroscience to present a functional morphological view of Wallonian systems in order to give greater clarity the dimension of the psimotricity field; however, with views and finishes in fine motricity, as well as in the relevance of the knowledge that teachers have on the subject, by default. Among the many factors that involve the field of psychomotricity, the study has as object the integral formation of the student in relation to the affective dimension to balance fine motricity. The research was motivated by the difficulty observed in teachers to understand more broadly the importance of affectivity in the balance of the tricity/affectivity/cognition triad proposed here. Although this research prioritizes more up-to-date references directed to teacher education, it does not rule out established principles. The results obtained in this research contemplate the validation or not of the hypothesis that there is no relevant knowledge on the subject by teachers making it necessary to train courses for teachers more specific and better structured in the most recent research bases in the field of psychomotricity cut in fine psychomotricity. 


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Author Biography

  • Moisés Lopes da Silva

    Graduado em Letras e Pedagogia; Pós-graduado em psicopedagogia clínica e institucional; Mestre e doutorando em Educação; Psicanalista; escritor: Emoções Cognoscentes Editora Appris; CAPES 


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How to Cite

PSYCHOMOTRICITY: FINE MOTRICITY IN TEACHER EDUCATION. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e432901.