Military Police of Paraná, Process management, Public ManagementAbstract
The study presents a wide discussion on the proposed use of management by processes in the Military Police of Paraná (PMPR), based on the normative support of the Strategic Planning of the Corporation, provided for by Ordinance of the General Command nº 273/2022. Studies from the perspective of management by processes for the public sector are incipient, and find technical and legal support in article 37 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, when it lists the principle of efficiency, and for public administration it deals with the management of public resources with responsibility and focused on results. The objective of the investigation was to find out how management by processes collaborates and facilitates the various actions of the military police administration, in the pursuit of organizational efficiency. The research, with a qualitative focus and descriptive study type, used a systematic literature review, with the gathering of relevant studies on management by processes and the relevant legislation. As main research results, it is highlighted that the PMPR has a complex internal structure, and an organization model identified as functional. Measures of change derived from management by processes must always consider the doctrine and organizational culture, with functional structural transition planning for process-oriented, preserving its Institutional identity.
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