studies, it is understood that in school units students need to show themselvesAbstract
Through studies, it is understood that in school units students need to be protagonists of their own learning, taking advantage of digital tools, with the purpose of having a rich learning environment, suitable both to stimulate curiosity and to agency reflective moments about the world in which they live. Thus, it is understood that the purpose is to provide a pleasant and dynamic physical space to the students, allowing diversified exchanges through the use of the media universe, as well as the display of technological mechanisms seen as elements of contribution to the teaching-learning process. With this panorama, it is also perceived that the school needs to indicate technological environments in which students can build their learning, through the planning of classes focused on Maker Culture and Active Methodologies, which really enable the experience, exploring, with this, both creativity and reasoning, challenging them to indicate dissolutions to dissimilar problems, distinguishing appraisals that go well beyond a common point of view. To build this discussion in this study, we relied on a bibliographic research, which contributed with theoretical material that supported its entire construction.
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