


: Pedagogical Political Project; Educational management; School Institution.


The Pedagogical Political Project being a specific document that reflects the different realities of the school, from its physical structure, flexible curriculum, teaching methodologies, protagonist of the student's educational process, with the needs and specificities arising from its community. The school institution is fundamental to society, with the function of training citizens for personal and social life; with this, democratic, participatory and strategic educational management is essential in the school unit, as it implies organization and continuous improvement of the teaching-learning processes with the innovation of pedagogical practices. The theoretical, philosophical and methodological proposal of the New High School is to facilitate access to knowledge and knowledge, promoting the development of its students, with the new elective components offered by the educational institution according to the community in which it is inserted, in order to make learning more attractive for young people, meet the expectations and interests of the current generation and add the Life Project elective component to guide them in the future labor market.


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Author Biographies

  • Adriana Milanez Suzigan

    FUNIBER - Fundação Universitária Iberoamericana.

  • Rosana Adélia Gomes

    Rosana Adélia Gomes, Bachelor of Business Administration, with specialization in Business Administration, Marketing and International Relations. Working in Education for twenty-one years. Higher education professor in the areas of Administration, Production Engineering, Psychology and Advertising. TCC Advisor - Course Completion Work and Banking Evaluator. In-person tutor in the Public Administration course, EAD by UFSC. Professor in professional technical courses in Administration and Logistics.


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How to Cite

EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT: THE “SOUL” OF THE SCHOOL?. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(5), e453152.