Psychopedagogy is a facilitating approachAbstract
Psychopedagogy is a facilitating approach in the development of the student about the learning process. And, not only is it intended for children, but at any time in the life of the human being. This study is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach and arises as a result of research in scientific articles related to the contributions of Psychopedagogy for students with learning difficulties, aiming to verify the importance of early diagnosis of children with learning difficulties. Through the reflections, it can be concluded that the sooner the blocks that hinder the learning process of the child in the first years in the school environment, and with the support of the family, are identified, but quickly a diagnosis can be obtained. It will be up to the psychopedagogue to identify the blocks that affect the learning process of the child and thus draw facilitating strategies for the conduct of this difficulty of the child in a clear, objective and safe way. For this, further studies are suggested to further implement the practices discussed in the text.
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