Medical error., Civil liability of the doctor., Presumed guilt., Legal certainty.Abstract
The objective of this article is to present in a critical way the fundamentals of the civil liability of the medical professional. Currently, it has been possible to follow the evolution of cases of medical error brought to the Judiciary, which translates citizens' awareness about the violation of their rights, as well as unveiling an apparent increase in events related to medical conduct with unexpected harmful results. In this purpose, it initially presents a current panorama of the increase in cases of medical error brought to the Judiciary in Brazil, and then, after a brief historical analysis, addresses elements that are part of the civil liability of the medical professional. The article aims to overcome strictly theoretical distinctions to explore issues with practical relevance related to the subjective civil liability of the physician. Thus, it is proposed to review current medical practices, attracting standards of transparency – compliance – and understanding of responsibility with the presumption of guilt of the physician in proceeding dismissively.
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