Management is a key area in any organization, whether publicAbstract
Management Management is a key area in any organization, whether public or private, of any commercial or social nature, since it is responsible for the management of the Management System, suppliers, supplies, processes, resources, results and customers, to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Objective: Management Management is important because it facilitates the fulfillment of organizational objectives and improves decision making based on data diagnosis. Methodology: Diagnose the current problems in Management Management, global competition in the market and the need for modern and agile management that allows adapting to constant changes. The main objective is the integration of new technologies and digital tools that allow a more efficient, agile and accurate management of the organization's data and resources. Results: Determine the opportunities offered by an adequate Management Management are the optimization of processes and resources and decision making based on accurate data, which can lead to an improvement in the productivity and performance of the organization. In addition, the integration of digital technologies in management can help reduce costs and improve collaboration between teams. Conclusion: Incorporate Management Management within the digital ecosystem of organizational management, to implement digital platforms and systems that allow a more efficient and accurate management of the organization's data and resources.
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